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How booking, orders and payment works on GttA

Here’s a simple manual on how booking, orders and payment works on GttA

Phase 1 – Confirm or cancel a reservation

1 – Log in to your personal area:

My account

2 – Go to your Vendor Dashboard, then click on “Bookings” and then on “Manage Bookings”

3 – Select the booking(s) you wish to confirm or cancel, the click on “Bulk Action” and then select “Confirm Bookings” or “Cancel Bookings”, hen Click on “Apply”

Conferma o Annullamento Prenotazione


The customer will now receive an email with the link for the payment.

Will keep the payment from the customer in our account until the tour/activity/overnight stays is/are done because in case of cancellation from the customer (or from the partner for whatever reason) we will refund the customer according to partner’s rules of cancellation.

Phase 2 – Mark the order as ‘Completed’

As soon as the tour/activity/overnight stay is done, please login to your area:

My account

Then go to ‘Orders’ and mark the order as ‘Complete’ as shown in the picture below:

Mark Order as Complete scaled


Phase 3 – Payments and Commissions

After you have marked the order as ‘Complete’ we will immediately transfer to you the full amount minus our commissions and the cost of the transaction (credit card) if there are any.

Then we issue an invoice to you for the commissions and the cost of the transaction (credit card) if there are any.

You will then invoice the customer as you usually do using your software of choice.

That’s it!



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